We Believe...
In the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit
There is only one way to salvation; through the Lord Jesus Christ
In the need to be born again; to invite Christ into our heart
That Jesus is God who became flesh: fully human and fully divine
The Bible is the Word of God; uniquely inspired and inerrant
The Biblical guidelines for marriage and human sexuality are equally valid for all generations
In the sanctity of human life which begins at conception
The primary mission of the church is to proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior
There is only one way to salvation; through the Lord Jesus Christ
In the need to be born again; to invite Christ into our heart
That Jesus is God who became flesh: fully human and fully divine
The Bible is the Word of God; uniquely inspired and inerrant
The Biblical guidelines for marriage and human sexuality are equally valid for all generations
In the sanctity of human life which begins at conception
The primary mission of the church is to proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior