As Christians...
As Christians we believe in the One True God who makes himself known in three different persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe God loves us and desires to have a personal relationship with us. That relationship with God is made possible through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. A relationship with Jesus Christ is essential to a Christian life and the only way to salvation.
As Presbyterians...
Presbyterians are reformed Christians. As reformed Christians we share the same tenets of faith as other Christian churches. Our reformed traditions guide our form of government and our theological beliefs.
The word "Presbyterian" is derived from a Greek word meaning "ruled by elders." Bethany as a local congregation is governed by an elected board of elders, called the Session, which serves rotating three-year terms. Elders also share with pastors leadership authority in regional and national Presbyterian governing bodies. We are guided by our Constitution, historical confessions of the church, and most importantly, the Bible which we believe is the written Word of God.
We believe that salvation cannot be earned but is a free gift of God that we receive when in faith we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and risen Savior. We also believe in the authority of Scripture. The Bible contains everything one needs to know Jesus Christ. John Calvin, one of the original founders of the Presbyterian movement, referred to the Bible as a pair of glasses through which God comes into focus. Our watchwords are, "Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone." As reformed Christians we challenge ourselves to examine our faith and Scripture and we challenge any theology that does not correspond with our watch words.
Bethany is pleased to announce that in July 2016, our church been accepted as an ECO Church. We are the first ECO Church in northern Illinois and the 289th nationwide. God is truly blessing us as we stand up for HIM in the community and around the country. This announcement is the first of the many exciting things that Session will be anxious to share with you as we move into fall and winter. We encourage you to be ever present at Bethany on Sunday and for the many activities that will be forthcoming during the weekdays to reach out to the Bethany and our local communities in the name of Christ! Be alert! God is good! All the time!